Tuesday 7 August 2012

Introduction to Me

Savvy –was what I used to be before I had my gorgeous daughter 8 years ago.

I felt like I had lost myself in motherhood and gradually was losing the Savvy side of me.  A few more kilos had appeared around my waist and thighs and I no longer had a “Social Diary” – it had now become my Daughter’s!! Yes, at 8.

Don’t get me wrong I love being a “mummy” but with it came a feeling of needing to be dull and boring – or as we mum’s do – forget about me!

But that’s not the case; I have finally talked myself out of this NEED.

Which has brought me to the idea of creating my own blog? I thought blogging would give me an outlet and help me to continue to have some personal inspiration. 

Also, an opportunity to share some of the “trials and tribulations” of being a “Single Mummy” and believe you me there’s no harder job!  Also, the “joys and special moments” that make this job the most rewarding!

So here I am – ready to share and hopefully gain some insights from others as well…………………

My quote for the day:

“A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.”
Chinese Proverb      
Never say Never


  1. Shut the door - I thought she was 8. Tell me I am right?!

    Great intro!!!

  2. Great idea for a blog as motherhood can be like a journey into space.... comets, meteors, unknown debris! Not to mention spectacles and pleasures of epic proportions. I look forward to watching your journey xx
